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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/01/19 Trees Jared Reaves N/A Sun AM Trees_Jared_Reeves.mp3
11/24/19 Nabal and Abigail 1Sam 25 Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM
11/17/19 Tongue Full of life or death Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM The_Tongue_Life_and_Death_are_in_Your_Mouth.mp3
11/17/19 Small Things Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM Small_Things-_11-17-19.mp3
11/10/19 Never Give Up - Stand! Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Never_ever_Give_up.mp3
11/03/19 Pictures at the Cross Brownlee Reaves N/A Sun AM Take_the_Cross.mp3
11/01/19 Pergamos - seat of Satan Buddy Payne N/A Sun Bible Study Pergamos_call_to_Faithfulness.mp3
11/01/19 Pergamos - seat of Satan Buddy Payne N/A Sun Bible Study
11/01/19 This One Thing I Do Buddy Payne N/A Sun AM One_Thing_I_Know.mp3
10/27/19 Should we believe in God in Scientific Age? Buddy Payne N/A Gospel Meeting Should_we_believe_in_God_today_in_this_scientific_Age-Buddy_Payne.mp3
10/25/19 Christians as Citizens of Kingdom Buddy Payne N/A Gospel Meeting Christians_as_Citizens_in_the_Kingdom_of_God-Buddy_Payne.mp3
10/24/19 Christian in the USA Buddy Payne N/A Gospel Meeting Being_Christians_in_the_USA-BuddyPayne.mp3
10/23/19 Prayer can change God's Mind Buddy Payne N/A Gospel Meeting Our_Prayers_Can_Change_Gods_Mind.mp3
12/22/18 JUST AS I AM BROKEN / NEW SONG Brownie Reaves, Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM 2-2420Just20as20I20Am20_20I20Come20Broken20-20Training.mp3
12/16/18 A Discussion of Hell - Judgement of God Against Evil Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM 2018-12-16Is_Hell_Real-RS.mp3
09/09/18 Rightly divide the Word does not create chaos Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM 2Tim_3_14-16_Make-A-Difference.mp3
09/02/18 Baptism and Salvation - a discussion Jacob Mantle N/A Sun AM Who_and_What__Jacob_Mantle.mp3
08/26/18 Lord, make me a servant Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Lord_make_me_a_Servant-RS-8-26-2016.mp3
08/19/18 A Forest View of Faith as seen in Heb 11 Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM Forest_View_of_Faith-RS.mp3
07/29/18 What does Fellowship Look Like ? Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM 2018-07-29-RS-What_does_fellowship_look_like.mp3
07/22/18 Pick One John Johnson N/A Sun AM Pick_One__John_Johnson_072218.mp3
07/21/18 ANSW Brownie Reaves, Ricky Shanks N/A ANSWERS FROM THE BIBLE AFTB-7-21-2018.mp3
07/08/18 Simple Obedience - the example of Naaman Brownie Reaves N/A Sun AM Simple_Obedience_Naaman.mp3
04/01/18 Practical Lessons from the book of James Brownie Reaves N/A Sun AM Practical_Lessons_from_the_book_of_James.mp3
03/25/18 Six Myths About Spiritual Growth Discussed Ricky Shanks N/A Sun AM 6_Myths_about_Spiritual_Growth-RS.mp3

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